Showing 5 Result(s)
Birthday cakes Cakes Gluten free Madeira cake

Why Emoji Cakes Always Win!

Why Emoji cakes always win! When I asked Darcey what cake she would like for her birthday this year she actually said ” I want a caterpillar cake” Now I have absolutely nothing against Marks and Spencer cakes. I love M&S and for a long time was ever so slightly, completely addicted to their profiteroles. Have …

Cake decorating

How to make a Minecraft birthday cake

 I started off by baking two Chocolate Madeira cakes (the large one was an 8″ and the small one was a 6″- I made double the recipe here and split it between the two tins) The smaller cake was cut up so that I had two ‘L’ shaped cakes to create the steps. I think …

Book review Chocolate Review

The Ultimate Chocolate Cook Book – Couture Chocolate

As, promised in my post from Easter, I wanted to share with you this yummy book. I’ve had lots and lots of cook books sent to me to review here on Cakes, Bakes and Cookies, but none of them have the amazing chocolate content of Couture Chocolate, by William Curley, Jacqui Small publishers. This book has …

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