Showing 16 Result(s)
Cakes Christmas Festival baking

Christmas Jam recipe: The perfect gift

Christmas Jam recipe I love to make Christmas gifts, especially for the girls teachers. We put into the group collections but it’s always nice to add a personal something. I’m sure the teaches get inundated with home made stuff so this year I thought we’d go for something a bit different from our usual gingerbread …

Cake recipe Cakes dessert Festival baking Jewish baking

Honey cake recipe for Rosh Hashanah

Every Jewish festival comes with a traditional cake. Rosh Hashanah – which is the Jewish New Year, is Honey cake. Rosh Hashanah is celebrated over two days and it’s one of the biggest festivals in the Jewish calendar. We get together and eat – a lot, gathering for big meals and lots of honey cake. …

Cakes Chocolate Festival baking

Darcey’s Easter nests

Darcey’s Easter Nests Last week Darcey came home from Cubs having made these really cute Easter Nests. They take literally 10 minutes to make, twenty minutes to harden up and just seconds to devour. My mini chef She’s becoming a bit of a whiz in the Kitchen of late. A few weekends ago she asked …

Cake Pops Festival baking How to...

How to make Pumpkin Cake Pops

  Pumpkin cake pops I love cake pops. They may be a bit fiddly to make but the look on peoples faces (and when I say people I mean Beau and Darcey) when they see them is worth every minute. We have a bit of an obsession with Halloween in our house and the only …

Biscuit recipe Christmas Cookie recipe Cookies dessert Festival baking How to...

Give your mince pies a swirl with this great mince pie recipe

  For a modern twist on a mince pie these swirls are easy to make. What’s more you can assemble and freeze them ready to bake straight from the freezer on Christmas day. They taste best when warm from the oven with a dollop of cream. I’ve made them 5 times so far – testing …

Baking equipment on test Best for Baking Cake recipe Cakes Chocolate Festival baking How to... Jewish baking

Fail safe Donut recipe for Channuka

  Last week my sister asked me if I was making donuts for Channuka. They’re the traditional cake for this festival and I’ve not got a good track record with them. But, this year is different. I’m not frying them -which means the batter isn’t getting welded onto my hob and they aren’t going to …

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