I love these cinnamon balls. They really remind me of Pesach from my childhood along with the Macaroons from yesterday’s post. We could never leave them alone and with four kids in the house my poor mum could never bake them quickly enough!
They are a quick and easy to make, not to mention very tasty biscuit that are really soft inside and are totally moreish. I use the recipe from The New Complete International Jewish Cookbook, By Evelyn Rose. It’s a fail safe recipe. It’s also a great one to do with kids.
The Ingredients
(makes around 20)
2 egg whites (at room temperature)
125g caster sugar
225g ground almonds
1 level tbsp of cinnamon
Icing sugar for dusting
How to make Cinnamon Balls for Passover
- Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and heat your oven to 160°C, Gas mark 3.
2. Whisk the egg whites. I use a hand-held electric whisk as they are super speedy and effortless to use and clean.
3. Whisk until you have stiff white peaks.
4. Evelyn Rose says in her book that you know when your egg whites are perfect when you lift out your whisk and the peak doesn’t flop to the side but stays upright.
5. Add all the rest of the ingredients.
6. Use a spatula or metal spoon to mix the ingredients together. Avoid using a wooden spoon as it will bash all the air out of your egg whites and you want them nice and fluffy.
7. Now for the fun bit. Make your hands wet. I tried doing this part with dry hands and it just makes a big, mushy goo on your hands! Half fill a mixing bowl with water for speed and convenience. With a wet palm roll around 20 balls and place them on your baking sheet. They don’t spread too much when baked so you can fit quite a few on a tray. Pop them in the oven for 18 minutes.
8. Remove the tray from the oven. Place the icing sugar in a bowl and while the cinnamon balls are still warm roll them around until coated all over. Then leave to cool completely. You can add a second coating of icing sugar but I never feel the need.
Just look how moist and cinnamony these are! Tim came home from work just as I was finishing up, popped one in his mouth and said “Lush!” Nice compliment I think.
- 2 egg whites (at room temperature)
- 125g caster sugar
- 225g ground almonds
- 1 level tbsp of cinnamon
- Icing sugar for dusting
- Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and heat your oven to 160°C, Gas mark 3.
- Whisk the egg whites. I use a hand-held electric whisk as they are super speedy and effortless to use and clean.
- Whisk until you have stiff white peaks.
- Evelyn Rose says in her book that you know when your egg whites are perfect when you lift out your whisk and the peak doesn't flop to the side but stays upright.
- Add all the rest of the ingredients.
- Use a spatula or metal spoon to mix the ingredients together. Avoid using a wooden spoon as it will bash all the air out of your egg whites and you want them nice and fluffy.
- Now for the fun bit. Make your hands wet. I tried doing this part with dry hands and it just makes a big, mushy goo on your hands! Half fill a mixing bowl with water for speed and convenience. With a wet palm roll around 20 balls and place them on your baking sheet. They don't spread too much when baked so you can fit quite a few on a tray. Pop them in the oven for 18 minutes.
- Remove the tray from the oven. Place the icing sugar in a bowl and while the cinnamon balls are still warm roll them around until coated all over. Then leave to cool completely. You can add a second coating of icing sugar but I never feel the need.
Some more festival recipes you may enjoy
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How To Make Cinnamon Balls Recipe For Passover
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How long do they last?
Great tip about the eggs whites. These look delicious. But one of the ingredients are missing. What about the flour? What kind and how much?
Thanks for your question. These are a traditional sweet that Jewish people eat during the festival of Pesach (the passover). During this festival we aren’t allowed to eat flour. The almonds in this recipe take it’s place. Give them a go they are AMAZING!!!
You cannot buy these as good. Sealed container keeps moisture in for future tea parties. However, I challenge you NOT to finish them in one go!
My brother in law has just announced that he doesn’t like cinnamon balls. I think I may have to dis-own him! How can you not like them. They’re the best!
I looked up a recipe for cinnamon balls on my iPad as the recipe had become illegible in my mothers Ann Wald cook book fron 1963! Have just made them following your recipe and they are delicious! Anne Wald’s recipe suggests you add 1 tablespoon of fine Matzo meal which she says helps them not to spread. Really like your web site.
Glad I could help. We totally love cinnamon balls in our house. One batch is NEVER enough!
Happy baking