Showing 7 Result(s)
eggs in a bowl

What size eggs should I use for baking?

What size eggs should I use for baking? ….is a question that I’ve been asked quite a few times – and have since made sure I remember to include that detail in my recipes. I’ve used both medium and large eggs in my cakes. I used to think that larger eggs would make lighter cakes …

measuring cake tins for different size cakes
Cakes FAQ's How to...

FAQ: How to measure the volume of a cake tin?

This is one of those questions I get asked a lot…. or rather “How much ingredients do I need for my teddy bear / football shirt/ sphere size cake tin?” (please enter any obscure measurement or shape tin in here!) and I reply with the same answer each time… “If you can measure the volume of …

sugar syrup recipe

FAQ: How to use Sugar Syrup on Cakes?

FAQ: How to use Sugar Syrup on Cakes? Ahhh Sugar Syrup. My new and most amazing discovery! It’s the small things that seem to make the biggest difference in my baking. I hadn’t even heard of sugar syrup until I went to the Peggy Porschen sugar roses class last year. I mean I had heard of it …

10" Madeira cake recipe
Cakes FAQ's

FAQ: How long can I store a cake before eating it.

One of the questions I seem to have been asked a lot recently is “How long can I keep a Madeira cake for?” The official answer is 1 week in an airtight container and 3 months when frozen. How long I keep it for. PHASE ONE: When I have a cake to make for a Saturday …

Cakes FAQ's

FAQ: How to stop your cake baking too quickly on the outside

Frequently Asked Questions: How to stop your cake baking too quickly on the outside  Just look at this beautiful 10″ Madeira cake. If you follow me on Facebook you’ll have seen this cake already. I made it back in November and had a little play with baking a cake that didn’t finish baking on the outside …

FAQ's How to...

The secrets of a smooth cake……crumb coating

I often get asked how I get my cakes so smooth and I have to tell you that it’s a bit like DIY. It’s all in the preparation. If you don’t sand and fill in the holes on your walls before you paint then you are always going to see those lumps and bumps. Well …

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