Biscuit recipe Cookies

Why I don’t love shortbread (Part two)

Shortbread is a sticky subject! So, yesterday I made shortbread biscuits. The reason I made them was to test that they would work as individual biscuits. I have had some shortbread nightmares recently when trying to do one big tray/mould bake. My friend Astrid emailed me :“ I’ve been trying to perfect my shortbread technique …

Biscuit recipe

I love this Shortbread recipe (Part 1)

Shortbread biscuits make my mouth water! I do love short bread, but I have also come to dislike it quite a lot too! (more on that in Part 2 tomorrow!) Last week Beau, Darcey and I made a load of vanilla cookies to give as Christmas gifts. One was for our brilliant postie. He’s great and …

Festival baking Jewish baking

Boobalars with Grandma Joan

What’s a Boobalar? I know what you’re thinking. Boobalar is what Jewish Grandmother’s call their grand kids as they hug them and squeeze their chubby cheeks. Well it is, but it’s also the name of these delicious treats. I have searched high and low and scoured Google to find out what the real/ Jewish name is …

Biscuit recipe Chocolate Cookie recipe Cookies Festival baking

Extra Chocolatey Christmas Pudding Cookies

The perfect Christmas cookie gift My good friend Kathryn is popping over today with gifts for the girls. She is one of my oldest friends and always buys them a gift for Christmas. She’s so generous. We always buy her a birthday present (her birthday is in January – it’s one of those funny set …

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