Cakes modelling

The Stacey Solomon Cake

Stacey Solomon is one of  my many cousins – that is her dad and my mum are first cousins. When she came home from winning ‘I’m a celebrity, Get me out of here’ her sister Jemma organised a surprise welcome home party for her for just her family and closest friends (all 200 of them!) …

Birthday cakes

My New Kitchen

Up until now I have only been dreaming of making cakes for a living. There are so many hoops to jump through, insurances, legal documents, learning the trade to a high enough level, but at last we have got the ball rolling. The practice cakes I’ve been making cakes for friends and family for over …

Birthday cakes

Peter’s doggie cake

The Story of Peter’s cake is quite a funny one! Peter is the husband of my good friend Theoda. I thought it would be a great idea to surprise him with a birthday cake for his 40th Birthday. Peter and Theoda have a flat coat retriever called Pepsi. He is the most energetic, bouncy dog …

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