Showing 3 Result(s)
Shortbread recipe
Biscuit recipe Cookies

Why I don’t love shortbread (Part two)

Shortbread is a sticky subject! So, yesterday I made shortbread biscuits. The reason I made them was to test that they would work as individual biscuits. I have had some shortbread nightmares recently when trying to do one big tray/mould bake. My friend Astrid emailed me :“ I’ve been trying to perfect my shortbread technique …

Biscuit recipe

I love this Shortbread recipe (Part 1)

Shortbread biscuits make my mouth water! I do love short bread, but I have also come to dislike it quite a lot too! (more on that in Part 2 tomorrow!) Last week Beau, Darcey and I made a load of vanilla cookies to give as Christmas gifts. One was for our brilliant postie. He’s great and …

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