Showing 8 Result(s)
Birthday cakes Cakes Gluten free Madeira cake

Why Emoji Cakes Always Win!

Why Emoji cakes always win! When I asked Darcey what cake she would like for her birthday this year she actually said ” I want a caterpillar cake” Now I have absolutely nothing against Marks and Spencer cakes. I love M&S and for a long time was ever so slightly, completely addicted to their profiteroles. Have …

How to bake a large 14" Square Madeira cake
Cakes Madeira cake

How To Bake A Large 14″ Square Madeira Cake

I seem to have had a lot of enquires recently for a recipe for a 14″ Madeira cake. I don’t actually have a tin this big (the one above is a 12″) but one of my readers measured the volume of her tin and I calculated the ingredients she would need. She said it as …

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