Showing 12 Result(s)
Cakes dessert

Easy peasy White Chocolate cheesecake

Easy peasy White Chocolate cheesecake Last Saturday I was out all day. I came home to an ill and bedridden Tim and Beau and a Darcey who was taking over the whole kitchen. If you’ve ever wondered how many bowls and utensils it takes to make a cheesecake when you’re nine years old I can …


The No-bake Vanilla Chocolate cheesecake recipe

  I came up with this cheesecake recipe after I was asked to make some Cheesecake for the Jewish festival of Shavout with the Synagogue’s Sunday school. A lot of the kids are really little so I wanted to make it as simple as possible. These chocolate ones (above) were my test run and after …

Ask the Expert Cakes

Feel Good Food: White chocolate cheesecake recipe

  After interviewing Jane Curran she kindly gave me permission to share with you her delicious recipe for White chocolate cheese cake taken from the Christmas issue of Feel Good Food. A winner on any Christmas table I’m sure! Over to Jane….. White chocolate cheesecake Looks rich and decadent but it’s as light as a feather, …

Biscuit recipe Book review Cake recipe dessert

Book Review: Konditor & Cook. Reservedly legendary baking

  Konditor & Cook. Reservedly legendary baking This is not your average baking book. This one’s different! “Why?” I hear you ask. Well the recipes are just not what you’d expect…. but in a good way. The combinations are different and unusual and dare I say it – intriguing like ‘Melon and Ginger’ slinger – …

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