Showing 11 Result(s)
Biscuit recipe Chocolate Cookies

The only choc chip cookie recipe you’ll ever need!

  Do you ever have one of those days when only a choc chip cookie will do? I love them but Beau simply adores them. Whenever I’m baking that’s what she wants – Freezer cookies. So, when I went to make her a quick batch I discovered that I actually didn’t have all the ingredients …

Cake recipe Chocolate

Cherry Brownies recipe

Right now, as I write this blog post it’s Christmas in my crazy media world. Anything and everything that’s to do with Christmas is being emailed my way. Baubles, gift guide ideas and of course things to make your Christmas dinner with. But when it comes to roasting trays turkey is furthest from my mind. For me it’s …

Cookie recipe

Fast from the freezer Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

I have to admit that I am one of those people who doesn’t like to go to someones house empty handed. If I’m asked over for a coffee I have to take something with me and since I started this blog I always like to take something I’ve baked.  But let’s face it. That’s not …

Some seriously chocolatey cookies
Biscuit recipe

Some seriously chocolatey cookies

It was my sister Shelley’s birthday on Monday and I wanted to make her a little treat. Just a little one – as I know she has nearly as much chocolate left over from Christmas as we do! I decided to make her some vanilla and chocolate cookies covered in thick milk, dark and white …

How to cover a cake in chocolate ganache

How to cover a cake in chocolate ganache

I made a really yummy chocolate and cherry cake last week and finally had a go at covering it with chocolate ganache. Up until now whenever I have made ganache it’s always been mixed in with buttercream for a cake filling or just as a really delicious layer of chocolatiness before a fresh cream filling …

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