Showing 21 Result(s)
Cake recipe Chocolate

Cherry Brownies recipe

Right now, as I write this blog post it’s Christmas in my crazy media world. Anything and everything that’s to do with Christmas is being emailed my way. Baubles, gift guide ideas and of course things to make your Christmas dinner with. But when it comes to roasting trays turkey is furthest from my mind. For me it’s …

Cakes Chocolate Festival baking

Darcey’s Easter nests

Darcey’s Easter Nests Last week Darcey came home from Cubs having made these really cute Easter Nests. They take literally 10 minutes to make, twenty minutes to harden up and just seconds to devour. My mini chef She’s becoming a bit of a whiz in the Kitchen of late. A few weekends ago she asked …

Chocolate How to... modelling

The Black Forrest Gateau decorated cake with sugarpast cherries

This post contains affiliate links. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission Do you ever have one of those days when you just get a brainwave? A stroke of cake genius that you just can’t stop thinking about till you’ve baked it / tried it / tasted it? Well …

Cake recipe Cakes Chocolate dessert How to... puddings

Chocolate Madeira Cake Recipe

I love Madeira cake. I mean REALLY love it. It’s part of my past. So when I was asked recently “How do you convert your Madeira cake recipe into a chocolate cake?” I thought it would be a great recipe to share with you all. I also still had the Morello Cherry and William Pear …

Baking equipment on test Best for Baking Cake recipe Cakes Chocolate Festival baking How to... Jewish baking

Fail safe Donut recipe for Channuka

  Last week my sister asked me if I was making donuts for Channuka. They’re the traditional cake for this festival and I’ve not got a good track record with them. But, this year is different. I’m not frying them -which means the batter isn’t getting welded onto my hob and they aren’t going to …

How to cover a cake in chocolate ganache

How to cover a cake in chocolate ganache

I made a really yummy chocolate and cherry cake last week and finally had a go at covering it with chocolate ganache. Up until now whenever I have made ganache it’s always been mixed in with buttercream for a cake filling or just as a really delicious layer of chocolatiness before a fresh cream filling …

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