Showing 21 Result(s)
Baking equipment on test baking kits Best for Baking Biscuit recipe Cookie recipe Cookies

Almond shortbread recipe and the cute button cookie cutter

Almond shortbread recipe and the cute button cookie cutter Who doesn’t love the soft, crumbly, buttery taste of shortbread? It’s one of those melt in the mouth biscuits which- according to Beau, I don’t make nearly often enough. That and freezer cookies!  I was requested to make a batch and when I had some leftover …

Biscuit recipe Cookie recipe Cookies

Chocolate peanut cookie recipe

Chocolate peanut cookie recipe Every now and again I come across a cake or cookie and I simply have to have more of! That was the case with these chocolate peanut cookies. I was on a photo shoot in April and the client bought some of these in with her. She’s bought them at some trendy …

Cakes Christmas Cookies

Gingerbread man wreath – the perfect Christmas gift

Have you ever been on the website before? It’s jam packed full of tons and tons and TONS of recipes, loads of inspiration and a cake or two! (See here and here if you’re interested!)  They’ve really revamped the website since the last time I was on there. Now there’s an array of baking …


Dairy Free chocolate chip cookie recipe

This week I have been baking non stop! First when we had friends come to stay at the beginning of the week and then all day Thursday and Friday with my mum for the big Summer Fete at the Synagogue (Shul) which is happening today. And on Friday I baked a birthday box of cookies …

Biscuit recipe Cookie recipe Cookies

Baby cookies

I’ve been wanting to practice my cookie icing skills recently and there’s no better time than when there’s the arrival of a new baby to celebrate. In fact there were four babies within the space of a week at Easter!  I made these for two of my friends who obviously had boys. One was Benjamin …

Best for Baking Biscuit recipe Cookie recipe Cookies How to...

Easy Almond Biscuits – a.k.a my mum’s fabulous Kirchals.

My mum has a famous Kichal recipe- well, it’s famous in our family anyway. Whenever she needs to make some biscuits to take to someones house these are what she takes. She cuts them in a crinkly circle and adds either a slither of chopped almond or a tiny piece of cherry on the top …

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