
So? Where’ve you been Emma? What’s going on!

I know, I know. It’s been a while since I last posted. And even then the months before were a bit…. let’s just say sporadic. After 5 years of blogging practically every week I had a bit of a ‘moment’. I stopped making birthday cakes for friends. I stopped baking. I just stopped everything. So …

Baking equipment on test Cakes

The Most, Yummiest, Zestiest, Lemon Victoria Sponge Cake You’ll Ever Bake

If I get asked for one recipe (other than Madeira cake) over and over again it’s lemon cake. You guys seem to really love it. I haven’t made a ton of lemon cakes so I needed to find an opportunity to make one just so I could share it with you. Now, my ever-expanding hips …

lemon curd recipe
Baking equipment on test Recipe

Easy Peasy Lemon Curd. Great On Toast, Cakes And Spoons

Easy Peasy Lemon Curd Recipe Every now and again I get asked by companies if I’d like to review their products. Sometimes they’re a bit abstract, sometimes they are nothing to do with baking (life insurance anyone?) and sometimes they are spot on. As I am sure you can guess if JosephJoseph contact you with …

Birthday cakes Cakes Gluten free Madeira cake

Why Emoji Cakes Always Win!

Why Emoji cakes always win! When I asked Darcey what cake she would like for her birthday this year she actually said ” I want a caterpillar cake” Now I have absolutely nothing against Marks and Spencer cakes. I love M&S and for a long time was ever so slightly, completely addicted to their profiteroles. Have …

80th Hawaiian birthday cake
Birthday cakes Cakes Madeira cake

The Biggest, Brightest Hawaiian Birthday Cake I’ve Ever Made

The Hawaiian birthday cake. A few months ago I was asked to make a cake for a friend’s mum. It was an 80th Birthday cake for her friend – a lovely lady from Hawaii. Now she may have been 80 but she was larger than life and full of energy and anyone who met her wouldn’t …

dessert Jewish baking puddings Recipe

Matzah Kugel Pudding recipe for Pesach

Matzah Kugel Pudding recipe for Pesach If you’re Jewish I think I know what you’re thinking. “Oh yeah thanks Emma. Today is the last day of Pesach. Great timing for a Matzah Kugel Pudding!” and I get it. This recipe would have been a whole lot more helpful if it had gone out last week …

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