Showing 2 Result(s)

Time to get spicy with this Pumpkin Cake recipe

  So go on then. How many times have you carved a pumpkin and don’t even bother to scoop out the insides? We’ve all done it but this year – like last, I scooped out enough to feed a small army and that was with just one daughterling. The other one didn’t even get her’s …

dessert Jewish baking puddings Recipe

Matzah Kugel Pudding recipe for Pesach

Matzah Kugel Pudding recipe for Pesach If you’re Jewish I think I know what you’re thinking. “Oh yeah thanks Emma. Today is the last day of Pesach. Great timing for a Matzah Kugel Pudding!” and I get it. This recipe would have been a whole lot more helpful if it had gone out last week …

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