Showing 29 Result(s)

Rhubarb crumble recipe

  I’m very lucky with my next door neighbours. They’re really amazing at taking in the countless parcels I get for work- which always seem to turn up the moment I leave the house after waiting in all day! – and they have given me some of their home grown rhubarb for years now. I love …

dessert Review

Labour Day and ‘that’ peach pie

  A few weeks ago, along with a bunch of mummy and foodie bloggers I was invited to see a preview of the new film ‘Labour Day’. I have to admit I was a bit miffed as to how I was going to link this film to my baking blog. Then about 30 minutes into the …

Cake recipe dessert

Leiths ‘How to Cook’ Lemon Tart recipe

As promised here is the Lemon tart recipe from Leiths latest book Leiths How to Cook (Quadrille, £30). Photograph: Peter Cassidy.   (see the whole book review here) It also includes the delicious pâte sucrée recipe too! Thanks Quadrille for letting me do this extract. It looks sooooo good! Lemon tart Serves 6 1 quantity pâte sucrée (below) Extra flour, …

Mini Pavlova recipe

Mini Strawberry Pavlova recipe….well it is the Wimbeldon season!

Last month I was asked by Achica to come up with a strawberries and cream recipe for Wimbledon fortnight. I have to say that there are few combinations that go together as well as strawberries and cream, except when you add some sugary meringues to it! Oh my mouth is watering just thinking about it! …


Lucy Young and Mary Berry’s Mini Banoffee pies

Mini Banoffee Pies This recipe is taken from Mary Berry and Lucy Young’s latest book At Home, BBC Books Thank you BBC Books for sharing it with us.   Buy it here on Amazon “Everyone’s favourite dessert – these individual pies are Lucy’s recipe and are divine. Tins of ready-made caramel can be bought in any supermarket …

Cake recipe Cakes Chocolate dessert How to... puddings

Chocolate Madeira Cake Recipe

I love Madeira cake. I mean REALLY love it. It’s part of my past. So when I was asked recently “How do you convert your Madeira cake recipe into a chocolate cake?” I thought it would be a great recipe to share with you all. I also still had the Morello Cherry and William Pear …

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