Showing 29 Result(s)
Birthday cakes Cake decorating Cake recipe Cakes Cakes gone by.... Chocolate dessert How to... Wedding cakes

The Easy One Bowl Chocolate Cake

This is a cake I made to take around to my mother-in-law’s for her birthday back in June. We were all invited for a family afternoon tea at her house. She always makes the most amazing Cherry Amours (I must get the recipe from her some time!) and she had also made scones too, so …

Birthday cakes Cake decorating Cakes Cakes gone by.... dessert

A Rainbow cake for Dahlia (a.k.a. the tallest cake I’ve ever made!)

As I write this post (now last Saturday night) I have absolutely no internet connection. Nothing! Nada! Zip! Not a squat! And it’s not just my router that’s not working at home, my mobile is kerput too! So I have been web free for 5days. It’s at times like this that you realise how much …

Birthday cakes Cake recipe Cakes Chocolate dessert

Black Forrest Gateau recipe… Tim’s Ultimate cake!

It was Tim’s birthday last Monday and his favourite cake is a Black Forrest Gateau. I have made this for him a few times but never properly. Really I just made a chocolate cake with cherries and cream. He was not satisfied! So I decided this year I was going to do it properly, but as usual I decided …

dessert Review

What exactly is Clafoutis?

A few weeks ago Tim and I went to Norfolk for our friend Charlotte’s wedding. Norfolk is beautiful and I wish we could have stayed longer than just a short weekend.We stayed at a hotel in Blakeney which is on the North Norfolk coast. It was raining when we arrived. It was raining a lot! …

Rhubarb & white chocolate cake recipe

Rhubarb & white chocolate cake recipe

  When my friend Sam asked if I wanted some of her Mum’s freshly grown/picked rhubarb I jumped at the chance. I had never baked with it before so I did what every cake obsessed blogger would do. I trawled through all my cook books looking for a nice juicy cake recipe to share with …

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