At Home book by Mary Berry and Lucy Young

Lucy Young and Mary Berry’s Mini Banoffee pies

Mini Banoffee PiesAt Home book by Mary Berry and Lucy Young

This recipe is taken from Mary Berry and Lucy Young’s latest book At Home, BBC Books Thank you BBC Books for sharing it with us.

Buy it here on Amazon

“Everyone’s favourite dessert – these individual pies are Lucy’s recipe and are divine. Tins of ready-made caramel can be bought in any supermarket and save having to boil a can of condensed milk like we used to, to give it a caramel flavour.” Mary Berry

Mini Banoffee Pie recipe

serves 8

For the base
40g (11⁄2oz) butter, melted
75g (3oz) digestive biscuits, crushed

For the topping

50g (2oz) butter
50g (2oz) light muscovado sugar
1 × 397g tin caramel
4 small bananas
200ml (7fl oz) double cream, lightly whipped 25g (1oz) square of dark chocolate

You will need eight 7cm (21⁄2-in) cooking rings, arranged on a baking sheet. To make the bases, mix the melted butter with the crushed biscuits and stir until combined. Spoon evenly between the rings and press down with the back of a spoon. Chill while you make the topping.

Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the caramel and stir until combined. Simmer for 1 minute then set aside to cool for a few minutes.

Pour the sauce into the rings on top of the biscuit base and chill for about 1 hour or until the toffee has just set. Slice the banana and arrange on top, then spoon or pipe over the cream. Slide a fish slice under each ring and move to serving plates. Remove the rings and finelygrate chocolate on top of each pie to garnish.

Serve chilled.


The toffee can be put into the rings up to a day ahead. Top with banana and cream up to 6 hours ahead (leave the rings on as the banana will discolour if exposed to the air). Not suitable for freezing.


At Home Cookbook with Mary Berry and Lucy Young book jacket

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EmmaMT from

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  1. They are beautiful and look delicious too! I will give it a try very soon. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. EmmaMT from says:

      You’re more than welcome. I love it that they’re so diddy. I reckon I could get them in my mouth in one go! Yummarge!

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