Showing 45 Result(s)
Cake decorating Cakes How to... modelling

How to make sugarpaste roses : My first ever cake demonstration

My first ever cake demonstration- for Create and Craft Last Sunday I did something I’ve never done before. I stepped outside of my comfort zone and I did a cake decorating workshop at the Women’s Institute Centennial Fair in Harrogate for Create and Craft. I’ve been  styling photo shoots for Prima’s craft pages for a few …

Best for Baking Biscuit recipe Cake decorating Cookie recipe Cookies How to...

Summer holiday baking:Jammie Dodgers and Iced ring biscuits with The Great Little Trading Company.

Jammie Dodgers and Iced ring biscuits When it comes to baking during the summer holidays I have to say I’m well up for it- sometimes more than my kids are. So, when I was approached by The Great Little Trading Company to do a guest post for their blog I instantly jumped at the chance. Then …

Birthday cakes Cake recipe Cakes Cakes gone by.... Chocolate How to... modelling

How to make a quick Ice cream splat cake

How to make a quick Ice cream splat cake It’s that time of year again. That time when your daughter who has a summer holiday birthday get’s three birthday celebrations and three cakes! One on the actual day, one with family and one with her friends! I’m shattered just thinking about it now! This has …

Biscuit recipe Cake decorating Cookie recipe Cookies How to...

How to make easy butterfly cookies that look fantastic!

Easy butterfly cookies  I made these butterfly cookies for a local charity event a few months ago. As a volunteer at Free Cakes For Kids we’re always being asked to support local charities and this time it was for The Maypole project. Oh I do love a charity bake, don’t you? I’ve baked a few …

Birthday cakes Cake decorating Cakes How to...

Colin’s painted cake

Colin’s Painted Cake  This was my first attempt at paining a cake. It was one of those ‘I have a great idea for a cake for grandad Colin but I don’t have lots of time to do it’ cakes! I always knew I wanted to paint the decorations on the outside and I wanted it …

Cakes FAQ's How to...

FAQ: How to measure the volume of a cake tin?

This is one of those questions I get asked a lot…. or rather “How much ingredients do I need for my teddy bear / football shirt/ sphere size cake tin?” (please enter any obscure measurement or shape tin in here!) and I reply with the same answer each time… “If you can measure the volume of …

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