Woman and Home’s

‘Feel Good Food magazine’
Now, you might think that I am biased about this particular magazine as not only did I work for Woman and Home for nine years, and I know the food team at Feel Good Food (or FGF as we call it!) and I also write the table setting pages for each issue, but I’m not biased at all!
As you may know I am Jewish and as Tim is Christian so I get to celebrate all the religions festivals for both sides of our families. It’s the fact that I eat a practically vegetarian diet ( as I keep Kosher) and am always on the lookout for new cakes and cookies to bake makes this quarterly mag like food porn.

The Food Team
The Food team at Woman & Home are Jane Curran and Rebecca Smith and they are my food guru’s. I used to sit opposite Jane in the Woman & Home offices and I would throw all sorts of baking queries at her and she could fire back the most complicated response in an instant. I was always impressed. Their recipes are seriously impressive, yet easy to follow and very impressive for a dinner party.
Bex is the foodie behind the food blog truefoodie.com. I love reading this as it’s like she’s still sitting next to me in the office and we are chatting about food like we always used to. Bex’s brownies are the best I have ever tasted. I’m taking them to the New Year’s eve party we are going to this year. She taught me about adding a little salt in chocolate recipes. “Salt!” I thought. But try it. Just add a pinch.You’ll never look back!
Her most recent post is about getting the timing right for your Christmas dinner – turkey and all. I’m so glad I am the baker in my house and not the cook, but check out her advice here.

Feel Good Food Magazine
Whenever a new issue of FGF came out I would read it on the train home. Just to warn you, this is not the magazine to read on a train when you are hungry! It will make your mouth water. I always want to make the veggie options as they are always proper meals. None of that tasteless nut loaf rubbish here.
From this issue I’m making the Vegetable potato pie which is packed full of sweet potatoes (which I love) my fav veggies and all sorts of great flavours (a must for any veggie meal)
I love how these ‘Home made gifts’ are packaged up. These truffles look melt in the mouth! (actually I know that they are as I’ve eaten Jane’s truffles before!)
I asked Tim what I should take to his parents for Christmas day this year. I wanted to make the roulade ( as I’ve never made one before and I love them) but he reminded me that his dad likes to make one (from a FGF recipe from a few years ago) so I should make this layered chocolate cake instead. He loves Chocolate cake. The recipe states that it will keep in the fridge for 3 days. Yeah right! This will be scoffed in one sitting at the MT household if me and Tim have anything to do with it!
So, if you are stuck for the perfect recipe and still need some inspiration this is the only mag you’ll need. I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s inside. There’s over 101 recipes in here! It’s available in supermarkets, news agents , but I always pick mine up in M&S.

Emma MT I miss you! Glad you found the magazine so helpful this Christmas – come and see us soon and I might just be persuaded to make you some more brownies! Also, as a ps. The ganache for that chocolate cake also makes fantastic chocolate mousse – just make as usual then spoon or pipe into glasses or ramekins straight away. Delicious, non-dairy and virtually fat-free…
Oooooh love it. Maybe I’ll just make the mousse for me!
Food porn indeed Mrs Morton-Turner! That chocolate mousse sounds like my kind of thing!
Hi Emma,
Rob and Roni’s friend Alex here – Rob told me about your blog and I love baking so had to have a look and your site is lovely!
I’m trying to get hold of the FGF magazine but not managed it yet (is it still available?). I’ll keep trying, but would you mind emailing me the chocolate cake recipe as I’d like to follow the suggestion about using the ganache as a dairy free mousse?
Thank you very much!
All the best,
Alex x
Hi Alex,
Thanks so much for your comment. You’ve timed that very well as the Christmas Feel Good Food magazine actually goes off sale tomorrow. You should be able to get it in M&S, Waitrose,Tesco,Sainsbury’s or W.H.Smith’s.
I just finished my pages for the Spring issue of FGF so that will be on the shelves really soon too!
Good luck. I hope you find it!
Hi Emma,
Rob and Roni’s friend Alex here. Rob told me about your blog and I had to have a look as I love baking, and it’s great!
I’m trying to get hold of the FGF magazine and haven’t managed it (is it still available)? I’ll keep trying but in the meantime, would it be possible to email the recipe for the chocolate cake? I’d like to follow the suggestion to use the ganache as a dairy-free mousse…
Thanks very much and Happy New Year!