Showing 4 Result(s)
passover banana pancakes

Passover Banana pancakes

Last week, as I promised myself I would start fixing all the broken images on this here blog – something I’ve been talking about doing for quite some time!!! I decided that fixing it alone was not going to cut it! I need to post new recipes too. I mean that’s what you’re here for …

Ask the Expert Recipe

Flipping Nora, it’s pancake day tomorrow!

Flipping Nora, it’s pancake day tomorrow! Is it really pancake day already? I love a pancake. Any type, American, crepe, big, small, they all work for me. I’m a batter girl. Give me anything made with batter – or covered in it for that matter and I’ll love it. Last week I picked up a …

Gluten free

Almond pancakes with Tory

I have a lovely friend called Tory who has a list of food that she can’t eat that’s as long as your arm. I can’t imagine being so restricted with my diet. I’m in the middle of my February ’30 day challenge'(yes I know there are only 28 days in Feb but I choose a new …

Best for Baking How to...

The RG’s breakfast pancake recipe. Sugar free and delicious

You may remember me talking about my brother and his wife having the same RG initials and subsequently calling each other “RG”, well this is their recipe for breakfast pancakes. The first time I tried one of these was on our family camping trip to Hastings last summer. Family camping is always good fun and …

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