Coconut macaroons...the search begins

Coconut macaroons…the search begins

Coconut macaroons...the search begins

 On Saturday, Beau and I dashed into Bromley to do a few odd jobs- as you do at the weekend. Because it’s getting nearer to Christmas the regular market was much longer than usual, extending all the way up the High street rather than just in the middle of the pedestrian area. There were lots of new trinkets, bags and hat stalls as well as farmer’s and bakery stalls complete with artisan breads,  full roasted hog and luxury coffees and teas. But the stall that caught Beau’s eye was the coconut macaroon stand.

Little domes of happiness 

The stall itself was really understated. There was a table at the front with a huge bowl of white mixture sitting to one side, complete with ice cream scoop. At the back was an oven with around 6-8 trays of little white domes, happily baking away. The sign read

“Coconut Macaroons. 

Made with fresh coconut and coconut milk

1 x £1, 3 x £2.50”

As we walked by Beau started with the pester power. “Please, Mama. Can I have one!!! Please? Please? Please” Now, I’m not a huge fan of coconut and I was pretty sure that Beau didn’t like it either, but even I couldn’t resist the gorgeous smell that was wafting around the high street.

The stall holder literally scooped up the mixture with the ice cream scoop and dolloped it onto the baking tray resulting in perfect little domes. He must have had around 20 on each tray. We had to wait for the macaroons to finish baking and turn into golden mounds. By the time they came out of the oven there was a small crowd phenomenon*. We bought just one to share as I thought they were quite big and I really didn’t expect us to like it.

Beau took the bag with the piping hot macaroon and we couldn’t wait to try it. It was delicious. By this time we had to bomb it back to the car before our parking meter ran out. We hadn’t reached the end of the high street before we had broken it open and devoured most of it. Neither of us could leave it alone! Beau put half back in the bag for later and so we could try it when it was cold. We both regretted not buying 3!  I spent the rest of the weekend thinking about them – you know- the way you do with REALLY good food.

I’ve never seen coconut macaroons before. Have you? And do you have a recipe for them? I’d love to give them a go!

*A ‘small crowd phenomenon’ is from ‘The book of Ultimate Truths, by Robert Rankin’ which Tim and I both read when we were on a Kibbutz in Israel during our gap year. In the book whenever the main character waited in line for anything he would turn around and there would be this small crowd of people behind him too, from out of nowhere, all ready to start queuing with him. I seem to encounter small crown phenomenons all the time. Luckily they seem to happen behind me!


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EmmaMT from

Follow me at for inspirational cake design, recipes and cake decorating tips.


  1. igetakickoutofyou says:

    Love love love macaroons – so were they better hot or cold? Cx

  2. I always think of macaroons as almond so I gave the coconut ones a miss in Bromley market but will have to try them next time I see them. 🙂

  3. KAREN SMITH says:


    Can’t believe how grown up Beau is looking!!  Keep meaning to email but I won’t be able to get to you on friday night.  Rich out at a conference so won’t be home till 7 so by the time I get to you it would be about 9.30 🙁 .  Hope you have a fab night.  If you are around on the friday of half term and fancy meeting up let me know. We’re happy to come into town.

    Kxx   Karen Smith Art Editor – Feel Good Food – IPC Media Art Director – Village magazine – Bellevue Associates

    >________________________________ > From: “Cakes, bakes & cookies” >To: >Sent: Tuesday, 23 October 2012, 8:32 >Subject: [New post] Coconut macaroons…the search begins > > > >EmmaMT from posted: ”  On Saturday, Beau and I dashed into Bromley to do a few odd jobs- as you do at the weekend. Because it’s getting nearer to Christmas the regular market was much longer than usual, extending all the way up the High street rather than just in the midd” >

  4. Hi Emma they look really good have you got an east recipe for them

    1. EmmaMT from says:

      Not yet but I’m on the lookout. They were so tasty I have to find the recipe!

  5. My friend’s mum always makes these macaroons at Christmas, I don’t like coconut so I couldn’t tell you how good they are, but they always seem to go down well!
    3 egg whites whisked until stiff, 250g desiccated coconut, 250g icing sugar, zest of half an orange, 1.5 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp plum brandy. Mix all the ingredients together, roll into balls with your hands, placed on a baking tray and leave to dry for 1-2 hours, cook at a high temperature for 5 mins.

    1. EmmaMT from says:

      Thanks so much for this recipe. I know what I’m doing this weekend now!

    2. EmmaMT from says:

      Ooooooooo Thanks so much for this. I’ll be trying it out during the half term hols!


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