Showing 19 Result(s)
Lego Birthday cake
Kids birthday cakes

How to make a Lego Birthday cake

I like doing these individual cakes for birthday parties. It feels extra special for everyone to have their very own cake. Don’t you think? EmmaMT The Lego cake I decided that as there weren’t too many friends coming along to her cinema trip birthday celebration I would do what I did with her cake last …

lemon victoria sponge cake recipe

How to Make A Luscious Lemon Victoria Sponge Cake Recipe

OKAY, the sun is out. The yummy fruits are starting to hit the shops and I’m craving a lemon cake. Am I alone? I know I’m not. This Lemon Victoria Sponge cake recipe is one from the archives and I’ve been going back to it for years now. It’s the right blend of sticky, gooey …

Cake recipe Cakes Recipe

Delicious Date and Walnut loaf recipe

  Delicious Date and Walnut loaf recipe Sometimes you need a little afternoon pick me up and for me this is it. A slice of date and walnut loaf tastes great on its own but with a little butter spread across it – deeeelishhh!. Oooooh butter! One of life’s little luxuries! The reason I like this loaf so much is …


FAQ: What size eggs should I use for baking?

What size eggs should I use for baking? ….is a question that I’ve been asked quite a few times – and have since made sure I remember to include that detail in my recipes. I’ve used both medium and large eggs in my cakes. I used to think that larger eggs would make lighter cakes …

Cake recipe Cakes

Why I’m Stuck on Friands : Blueberry Friand recipe

Why I’m stuck on Friands I absolutely adore Friands. Have you ever made them? They look like a mini cupcake or a squashed muffin but what they actually are is a little taste of heaven. Now, I know what you’re thinking – really? A taste of heaven?!?!? but bear with me. I have a minor …

Cake recipe Cakes dessert Festival baking Jewish baking

Honey cake recipe for Rosh Hashanah

Every Jewish festival comes with a traditional cake. Rosh Hashanah – which is the Jewish New Year, is Honey cake. Rosh Hashanah is celebrated over two days and it’s one of the biggest festivals in the Jewish calendar. We get together and eat – a lot, gathering for big meals and lots of honey cake. …

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